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INSTALLING AND REMOVING THE MAXI-COSI CABRIOFIX. MAINTENANCE. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS .. WASTE SEPARATION. NEXT STAGE CAR SEAT .. CAR FITTING LIST .. WARRANTY In the fifth video of our Prezi infant car seat series, you will learn how to install your car seat with the base 032 Maxicosi Isofix Maxi-Cosi Easyfix Base -- Baby Elegance Car Seat Instructions. Philm View and Download Maxi-Cosi FAMILYFIX manual online. FAMILYFIX car seat pdf manual download. Also for: Pebble, Pearl, Cabriofix, Rodi xr.How to install the Maxi-Cosi BabyFix ISOFIX base. 1. Pull out the ISOFIX fixing points of our base or car seat. These are the yellow metal bars. · 2. Place the base or car seat on the back seat of your car. · 3. Maxi-Cosi. 7.32K subscribers. Subscribe. Watch this video to learn how to install the Beryl base and seat for for properly installing the support leg (see Section 9: Car fitting list). Only install the Maxi-Cosi EasyFix on a forward-facing seat fitted with an
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